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Utherm Roof BM

Roof BM is a PIR insulation board finished on one side with a gas open bituminized glassfleece and on the other side with a gas open mineralized glassfleece.

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Utherm Roof BM

Roof BM is a PIR insulation board finished on one side with a gas open bituminized glassfleece and on the other side with a gas open mineralized glassfleece.

  • Insulation material: PIR (Polyisocyanurate)
  • Lambda value: 0,024 - 0,027 W/(m.K)
  • Facing: Combined bituminous/mineral coated glass fleece


Insulation thickness [mm]
RD value [m².K/W]
EAN code
Stock info
100.0 3.80 5414399061767 In stock
120.0 5.00 5414399061774 In stock
140.0 5.80 5414399061781 On demand
160.0 6.65 5414399061798 On demand
200.0 8.30 5414399061804 On demand
30.0 1.10 5414399061705 On demand
40.0 1.45 5414399061712 On demand
50.0 1.85 5414399061729 On demand
60.0 2.20 5414399061736 In stock
70.0 2.55 5414399061743 On demand
80.0 3.05 5414399061750 In stock
Insulation thickness [mm]
100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 200.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0
RD value [m².K/W]
3.80 5.00 5.80 6.65 8.30 1.10 1.45 1.85 2.20 2.55 3.05
EAN code
5414399061767 5414399061774 5414399061781 5414399061798 5414399061804 5414399061705 5414399061712 5414399061729 5414399061736 5414399061743 5414399061750
Stock info
In stock In stock On demand On demand On demand On demand On demand On demand In stock On demand In stock